Product Description
OSMOSE 70-120-010-020 SQUIRREL GUARD 2-1/2 INCH X 10 FEET, V SHAPED, PER 20 PIECES NEW SquirrelGuard� 70-120-010-020 2.5 Inches from edge to center of V and 5 inches total width
SquirrelGuard is designed to protect lead and plastic overhead telephone cables from moisture intrusion. When installed properly, it will eliminate 90 95% of the moisture from cables, thereby reducing trouble calls. SquirrelGuard reduces maintenance costs, improves reliability of service and can extend the useful life of cable. SquirrelGuard works by acting as a shingled roof shielding cables from moisture. SquirrelGuard will help shield cables from damage caused by squirrel bites, woodpeckers, fatigue cracks, and tree limb abrasion. SquirrelGuard is self extinguishing and can help to protect cables from falling secondary power lines. Appearance: SquirrelGuard blends well with existing cable plant construction whether placed on the roadside, rear lot or right-of-way toll lines. Life Expectancy: SquirrelGuard has proven its durability in field applications lasting ten or more years. Composition: SquirrelGuard is constructed of high density black polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is formulated for outdoor use with special addiives to prevent degradation from ultraviolet light. Available in two different configurations and nine unique sizes. V-Shape SquirrelGuard is used for protection on lashed or ring-supported cable. Round SquirrelGuard is used on lashed or self-supporting cable.